What Does Jesus Want For Christmas?


Isaiah 9:2-7

INTRODUCTION: Leadership is needed in every organization. When the leadership is good in any organization things go well. When the leadership is poor, the results speak for themselves. In Christmas we celebrate the arrival of our true Leader.


The word “Messiah” is a leadership title. It is a Hebrew word that means “anointed one.” The prophet Isaiah talked of the coming Messiah: Isaiah 9:6-7. Jesus came to lead His people out of sin and into salvation. He came to lead His people out of legalism and into grace. He came to lead us out of this world’s darkness into His light! The Messiah’s birth was announced to His mother Mary by an angel: Luke 1:30-33. Jesus did not come to this earth to be a spectator, He came to rule. Jesus authority threatens those who want to be in charge of their own lives. Let me ask: “Does Jesus authority make you unsettled?” Our Lord Jesus came into this world to lead! Jesus came into our lives to lead! Matthew 28:18-20. We have our marching orders! Are we busy doing His will for our lives?


One day every other authority must and will yield to Jesus’ authority: Philippians 2:5-11. Remember, Jesus came to lead and each of us must yield to His leadership if we desire to have a proper relationship with Him: Luke 6:46-49. Remember what Jesus told His disciples: Matthew 4:18-22. Many Christians are “almost” following Jesus: They like Jesus and theybelieve Jesus is the Son of God, they even pray in Jesus Name. Sadly they will never fully commit to His leadership in their lives. They are unwilling to make a clear decision to allow Jesus Christ to be their Lord! Romans 12:1-2. Don’t lead your league in almost submitting to Jesus Christ as the head of your life. If you are willing God will tell you what you must do!
1 John 1:9; Acts 9:5-6.


Christmas is about being almost submitted to Jesus Christ! Christmas is not about “almost!” At Christmas God gave His only begotten Son. At Christmas Christ will lead us out of our sin and shame if we will totally submit to Him. At Christmas we must make a choice to follow our Lord all the way wherever He leads us. Christmas is not about giving up so much it is about gaining it all! John 10:10-11. Christ has promised us joy as we emerge from the chaos of our lives and find our true Leader! We will gain great peace as we are finally well led. Christmas is about having God’s peace in our hearts: Isaiah 26:3-4. This world is full of leaderless people who are living lives of chaos being led astray by their own misguided freedoms. This Christmas do you know what your “Anointed One” wants from you? Jesus wants you to follow Him! Jesus wants you to crown Him Lord of your life. Jesus wants you to stop being almost a disciple and to truly give yourself to Him! Luke 6:46-49. This Christmas Jesus wants you to do what He, the anointed One asks us to do in His Word: John 6:28-29. The Anointed One want you to trust in Him as your personal Lord and Savior: John 3:16-21.