God’s Broken Law


Exodus 24:1-8

INTRODUCTION: The Law of God was given to the children of Israel three mounts after they came out of Egypt. Moses reviewed the Law for the children of Israel and they responded to him: Exodus 24:1-8. Two times the children of Israel said “We will do everything the LORD has said; we will obey.” Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy elders of Israel ascended Mount Sinai to get the Law of God written in stone: Exodus 24:9-14. The LORD knew the children of Israel would never be able to keep the Law. The Law was never given to justify man. The Law was given to reveal man’s need of God’s grace: Galatians 3:10-22.


The Law inflames the desires of our sinful flesh. Romans 7:5-14. God knew the nation of Israel would break the Law so in the midst of giving the Law, God gave the means of grace, The Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant: Exodus 25:10-22.


Above the Ark, above the Covenant of the Law was the Mercy Seat; the Hilasterion! Once a year God would accept a sacrifice to propitiate or cover Israel’s sin. Before Moses could even come down from Mount Sinai, the children of Israel had already broken the Law: Exodus 32:1-6; Exodus 32:19-20. The broken Law demanded death. The Law was never meant to save because no man born of man could ever keep it.


Our God gave the Law so that men would come to Him to receive His grace. The Law said the wages of sin is death: Deuteronomy 27:26; James 2:10. Our God says He takes no joy in the eternal death of anyone: Ezekiel 33:7-11. God gave the Law to show the children of Israel their need to receive God’s grace! The Hilasterion, the Mercy Seat brought our God great joy! The Hilasterion allowed God to be hilarious when once a year He could cover the sins of His people until the Seed of Abraham, the Lord Jesus Christ would come to take away the sin of the world: Jesus Christ is God’s Hilasterion: Roman 3:19-28. When we place our faith in Jesus Christ, the Judgment Seat turns into a Mercy Seat: Hebrews 4:14-16. Will you chose to trust in Jesus Christ so that all heaven can break out into hilarity? Luke 15:3-10; Luke 15:11-32.